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Assessment (HC)

Philosophy Department Four-Year Skills Rubric

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Research Questions Students learn how to find and use library resources and evaluate models of high quality research questions in philosophy. They begin to develop their own critical questions from a limited number of sources. Often, students’ research questions are chosen from a list of approved topics.  Students create their own research questions from a larger set of sources and learn about the various theoretical approaches taken in the study of philosophy. Students begin considering their own voice and how to articulate their ideas.    Students hone their ability to produce critical questions from an expanding number of sources, including research in digital archives and databases in other libraries. They determine which philosophers or concepts shall be at the focus of their research projects and understand the context of those sources. These sources are used to effectively answer their research questions.  Students further develop their voice in terms of articulating their own approach to the study of philosophy.

Students successfully produce critical philosophically related research questions and capably answer those questions using a variety of sources. Students critique and analyze their own questions, revealing original conclusions that add to the larger body of knowledge in philosophy.  The students are skilled at articulating their own critical perspective on philosophical conversations. 

Philosophical Sources

Students focus on philosophers of the past as connected to specific philosophical problems. They learn to use the library catalogs and databases to locate both philosophers of the past and contemporary philosophers.

Students effectively use library catalogs and databases to identify and locate sources, both current and historical. Students begin critically analyzing philosophical problems through their interactions with such sources. 

Students effectively use both analog and digital sources and can recognize the advantages/ limitations of each. Students make use of the TriCo system and ILL to acquire sources for their senior thesis and other projects. Students achieve literacy in a wide range of philosophical sources and develop thoughtful views about their interrelations.

Students identify and analyze relevant philosophical sources, understand their context, and effectively incorporate them into their senior thesis and other research projects. 
Secondary Scholarship Students realize the difference between authoritative reference works and those designed for a general audience without subject expertise. Students read and develop a familiarity with a broader range of secondary scholarship and varying disciplinary approaches. They make use of subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference materials to find background information on their interests, and more importantly, discover recommended sources for further reading and consideration.  Students begin to understand the major philosophical schools and the methods used by philosophers.   Students deepen their knowledge through topic specific reference guides, literature reviews, and in-depth evaluations of major issues in the field. Students begin to uncover deeper philosophical issues and related debates. Students begin considering how their perspectives apply to these philosophical debates.  Students utilize the theory, methods, and approaches found in secondary scholarship in their own research. They present their philosophical problem or issue within the larger context of this scholarship and add to such debates within the field(s). They are adept at using secondary sources for the advancement of their research and effectively critique these sources. 
Responsible Use of Services Students understand the definition of plagiarism and its features, the basic principles of copyright, and the proper use of citation in their scholarly work.  Students cite and accurately use research materials. They employ citation managers to organize, store, and share references.  Students understand their role within a greater community of researchers and further develop their citation skills, making careful use of footnotes and endnotes to add to scholarly debates and conversations.  Students effectively, responsibly, and clearly participate as junior scholars in both a local and global academic community. They understand the ways in which scholarship is created, disseminated, and utilized which in turn, informs the production of their own scholarship. They have honed their citation skills, understand fair use and copyright, and provide access to their finished works. 
Library Services Students recognize that they may receive assistance by contacting their personal librarian or through the Research Help Desk. Students successfully learn to use the TriCo library catalog and website, and can request materials from inside and outside the system.   Students can identify appropriate subject librarians for courses they are taking and seek assistance with research projects. Students delve deeper into the variety of resources and services in the TriCo system and beyond.   Students effectively consult with the subject librarian for Philosophy and make use of library guides prepared for classes to identify and access materials. Students have some idea of their senior thesis topic and have considered various strategies for research planning.  Students work closely with the Philosophy librarian as they develop their senior thesis. Students hone their research plan and consult the librarian. This includes defining subject areas, search strategies, connections between fields, and resource assessment. The successful completion of the senior thesis marks a thorough understanding of the materials chosen, and a contribution to the scholarly debates surrounding those materials.