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PEAC 071B: Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle (SC)

Peace Studies / Sociology / Political Science 71B: Lee Smithey - Fall 2024

How subject headings work

Most books in Tripod will have subject headings assigned to them. These subject headings can be helpful for identifying what a particular book discusses substantially, rather than just tangentially.

When it comes to subject headings, you'll only find a particular book in the most specific category that has been applied to it. So if you browse the list for Peasant uprisings > Mexico > History and Peasant uprisings > Mexico > History > 20th century, you'll find two entirely different set of books that don't overlap.

Here are a few different ways that subject headings can be applied to books (there are many others!).

Books discussing a topic in a particular country

Books on a particular country, focused on a broad subject area

Books on the history of a topic in a particular country, during a particular time period

Books within a particular genre, such as collections of reprinted primary source documents

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