Looking at Photographs by Gordon Baldwin; Martin Jürgens
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Publication Date: 2009-11-24
Provides definitions and explanations of the techniques, processes and materials used in the making of photographs. Entries are often accompanied by an illustration.
In the Darkroom by Sarah Kennel; Diane Waggoner; Alice Carver-Kubik
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Publication Date: 2010-04-01
A compilation of essential information about the predominant negative, positive and photomechanical processes in use since 1839. Entries include concise technical descriptions of the processes and their common uses, illustrations, and diagrams indicating the basic structure of the print or negative. The guide also includes a time line with the major dates of use for each process, an extensive glossary, and an index of variant names.
Twentieth-Century Color Photographs by Sylvie Penichon
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ISBN: 9781606061565
Publication Date: 2013-10-01
"... provides an accessible overview of the history and technology of the major traditional color photographic processes. Following an introductory chapter on color photography in the nineteenth century, seven uniformly structured chapters discuss the most commercially or historically significant processes of the twentieth century..."