People usually start a research project with a topic- healthcare system inequities or contemporary Japanese novels.
Exploring the research on that topic allows you to focus your interest and find a specific question to investigate.
Watch this video from Joanne Oud at Wilfred Laurier University License: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
1) Use research guides created by Haverford librarians to access authoritative and up-to-date resources.
2) Use encyclopedias, handbooks and annotated bibliographies from Oxford to learn more about your topic
3) Use journal databases to find peer-reviewed articles that reflect current scholarship. Use those articles to further shape your topic into a research question
4) Use the Tripod library catalog to look for books that deal with your topic or research question. Go to the Advanced Search and choose the Books+ Media channel.
Search example: "creative writing" [Subject] AND study [Subject] Limited to books published from 2000 to the present