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Assessment (HC)

East Asian Languages and Cultures Department



  Fine Arts Department Four-Year Library-Skills Rubric-Draft           
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Artistic Development and Research Questions Students learn how to find and use library resources and evaluate models of high quality research questions in art criticism. They begin to develop their own critical questions from a limited number of sources. Often, students’ research questions are chosen from a list of approved topics. In the case of a Studio Art course, students begin learning where other artistic materials are located in the library. These experiences in the library are counterparts to the foundation art classes.  Students begin considering their own style and utilize the materials in the library to find inspiration and visual reference materials.  They learn about the unique Special Collections art materials. Students create their own research questions for papers from a larger set of sources and learn about art criticism as a field.  Students further develop their artistic vision through the materials located in the library and from an expanding number of sources including the digital archives and art databases. They also learn about artistic resources in the Philadelphia area. Students hone their ability to produce critical questions for papers from library materials.  Students critique and analyze their own body of work, building on a deeper understanding of existing conversations in their chosen art concentration. Students successfully produce critical research questions for papers and capably answer those questions using a variety of sources, both within the library and in digital collections worldwide.
Art Sources

Students learn to use the library catalogs and databases to locate historical and contemporary artists. They become aware of the variety of resources available at the library, typically through their coursework.

Students effectively use library catalogues and databases to identify and locate sources such as artist writings and artist interviews. Students begin critically analyzing art through their interactions with such sources. Students spend more time using Artstor and the Tricollege repository, Triarte, to find sources.  

Students effectively use both analog and digital sources and can recognize the advantages and limitations of each. Students make use of the TriCo system and ILL to acquire sources for their projects. Students achieve literacy in a wide range of artistic sources and develop critiques about them.  Students learn about auction catalogues, catalogues raisonnés, major digitization projects by art museums, and local art exhibitions.

Students effectively reflect an understanding of the critical conversations surrounding their art projects based upon intensive research and critique. Students identify and analyze relevant artistic sources, understand their context, and effectively incorporate them into their research projects. 

Responsible Use of Sources Students understand the definition of plagiarism and its features, the basic principles of copyright, and the proper use of citation in their scholarly work.  Students cite and accurately use research materials. They employ citation managers to organize, store, and share references.   Students understand their role within a greater community of researchers and further develop their citation skills, making careful use of footnotes and endnotes to add to scholarly debates and conversations. Students understand the ways in which artistic scholarship is created, disseminated, and utilized which in turn, informs the production of their own artwork and scholarship. They have honed their citation skills, understand fair use and copyright, and provide access to their finished works. 
Library Services Students recognize that they may receive assistance by contacting the subject librarian or through the Research Help Desk. Students successfully learn to use the TriCo library catalog and website, and can request materials from inside and outside the system.  Students can identify appropriate subject librarians for courses they are taking and seek assistance with research projects. Students delve deeper into the variety of resources and services in the TriCo system and beyond.  They become more adept at using Triarte and Artstor to find images and begin to understand where some of those images may be located in the library (such as Special Collections Photography).  Students understand how their own work may add to the current conversations in the art world, vis-à-vis materials they reference in the library. Students effectively consult with the subject librarian in their inquisitive path toward a final project (paper, artwork, etc.). Their creative process is fortified through library materials.  Library materials enrich the students’ creative process and their senior art show exhibit marks a developed body of work that demonstrates a proficiency in visual language.