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EALC 335: Japanese Modernism Across Media (HC/BMC)

East Asian Languages & Cultures 335: Japanese Modernism Across Media (Schoneveld) Spring 2020

Getting Started

This library guide is meant to help you with your assignments for EALC 335:

  • introduce you to some resources on Japanese modernism in various forms of media,
  • help with your final assignment 
  • help you locate Japanese related materials in the Special Collections at Haverford College 
  • and help you locate materials for about Japanese tourist photography and historical/cultural background resources.

Use the tabs on the left to help navigate to the sections most helpful for you. 

NOTE: due to COVID-19, we are highlighting materials available online. 

Using Resources When off Campus

1) Accessing the Libraries' Digital Resources
If you start at this course research guide or the Tripod library catalog, you will be prompted to sign in and authenticate through the Off-campus Access page (Option A below) when you click on an online resource link .
If you plan to work in-depth on a research paper when you are off campus, use VPN software (Option B).  Once you authenticate, you can then connect to resources (with Haverford subscriptions) on the open Web as well as use URLS you have already saved or those sent by faculty and librarians.  

   A) Off-campus Access through Tripod
                    Bryn Mawr
Use your email user name (no and password to log on.  You will need to navigate through Tripod, rather than typing URLs in the search box for your entire session.  The proxy prefix has to remain in your URL in order to access digital materials to which Haverford subscribes.

   B) Download VPN software from Campus IT Services
                   Bryn Mawr   Go to Using the VPN with personal computers (Windows) or Using the VPN with Apple computers
When you log into VPN with your email user name (do not add @ brynmawr or and password, all the subscriptions in Tripod will work even when you go through the Web rather than Tripod.  It is simpler to do in-depth research with VPN rather than the library proxy. 
2.  Requesting Resources that are not Available Online in Tripod

Bryn Mawr users can request journal articles and essays through the Articles and Interlibrary Loan Services on this page.

They can request online materials using the form on this page

Haverford Libraries will fulfill student, faculty, and staff requests for materials by providing digital copies of items when possible.  Use these forms linked from Tripod and the libraries' homepage to request the titles you need:


Books or DVDs

Course Reserve Materials [Faculty] 


3.  Accessing Resources Made Freely available by Publishers

              Bryn Mawr:  Library Resources during COVID-19

              Haverford:  Free Access during Covid-19

Librarians are updating these lists regularly as more resources become available. 

Online Photography reference books

Develop your literature review

Literature reviews are a particularly useful kind of article when doing research. They address the issues involved in a particular question and the debates among scholars. They map out the intellectual terrain succinctly and give you the major landmarks in terms of key authors and significant titles.

The Oxford Bibliographies Online  Connect from Bryn Mawr College      Icon     Icon   provides literature reviews for a variety of fields including Asian Studies (they specify the following subject areas: Chinese Studies, Buddhism, International Relations, etc. You can take a look at their subjects and complete a few searches to find what you are interested in).  There are also Art History bibliographies. The essays take the form of an annotated bibliography.  It gives you the benefit of expert advice when identifying what to read for your research. 

Relevant articles that might interest you: