IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
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Provides nearly two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters in the social sciences from 1951-present. Over 2,700 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books included each year. Abstracts are provided for half of all current journal articles and full text availability is continually increasing.
Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) Index
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Provides abstracts of journal articles, books, government documents, statistical compilations, committee reports, intergovernmental, and private organizations reports. Areas covered include political, economic, social and public policy issues. Covers 1915-present.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
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Provides citations and abstracts of journals in political science and related fields including international relations, law, and public administration/policy. Covers 1975-present.
Country Information
Britannica Online
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Offers a fully searchable and browsable collection of authoritative reference sources,including Britannica's entire encyclopaedic database. Look at the World Atlas and World Data Analyst for country information.
Provides detailed profiles of all of the countries of the world. Offers information on each country's geography, people, government, economy, communications, military, and transnational issues, as well as maps and flag images. Covers 2000 - present in PDF; current interactive edition is continually updated.
eHRAF (e-Human Relations Area Files) World Cultures
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Contains ethnographic and other documents describing the cultures of the world. Includes books, journal articles, and dissertations that are compiled into culture profiles. Many documents are in full-text.
An independent, non-partisan think tank providing providing analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at local, national, and international levels.
Political Handbook of the World
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A collection of comprehensive country profiles containing detailed information on each nation's political history, government, leadership structure, elections, and political party system. Also included: profiles of intergovernmental organizations, development banks, and the agencies and specialized bodies of the United Nations.
Area Studies Databases
ABSEES: American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
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Offers a bibliography of American titles in Slavic and Eastern European Studies. Currently covers 1990-present.
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Offers access to multi-disciplinary information on Africa including books, journal articles, maps and music recordings. Some materials are in full-text. Covers 19th century-present.
Provides abstracts of journal articles and books in the social sciences relating to Africa. Covers 2003-2017.
Bibliography of Asian Studies
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Provides citations to journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festshriften on all subjects pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia. Covers 1971-present. Complete citations end with the 1991 records. Since 1992, newly published books are no longer being added.
HAPI: Hispanic American Periodicals Index
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Contains citations to scholarly journal articles published in Latin America, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and to materials that address this region and U.S. Hispanic topics. Covers political, economic, and social issues. Some citations link to full-text articles. Covers 1970-present.
Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS)
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Provides a selective annotated bibliography of scholarly books, journal articles, and other resources dealing with Latin America. Curated by the Library of Congress’ Hispanic Division.
Index Islamicus
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Offers citations to literature on Islam, the Middle East and Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, and Muslim minorities elsewhere. Includes citations to journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and book reviews from 1906 to present.