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Sometimes, finding the right topic for you can be challenging. You want to think about selecting a topic that can be completed in one semester, after all. Here are some tips for choosing a thesis topic. Use the rest of this guide to deepen your research skills.
Here are some source books you might want to browse. A source book includes many primary source documents (in translation) and often have suggestions for further reading. See if anything sparks your interest and begin to dive into some background research.
Still having trouble? Think back to your college career. Was there a specific course you enjoyed more than any other? Perhaps you wrote a short paper for that course and you would like to expand upon that. Or, perhaps you read a really fascinating article or chapter that sparked your interest. Choose something that fascinates you, and it will make your research experience all the more enriching.
Need help using Zotero to create notes and bibliographies for papers? Zotero can organize all your research on your desktop, making it easier to work remotely!
Keep an eye out here for Zotero workshops at Bryn Mawr during the academic year.