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Documenting COVID-19 at Bryn Mawr: FAQ

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Allison Mills

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit material to the project?

Please use our submission form, located here. You can upload digital files through this form.

I'm not sure if the material I have is relevant for the project. How do I know?

Does the material you're considering document some aspect of your experience during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, it's probably relevant! We are collecting a wide range of materials created by Bryn Mawr College community members. We hope to document how individuals are reacting to and experiencing the pandemic. Are you keeping a journal? Did you take up a new hobby or return to an old one? Have you been posting about the pandemic on social media? We are interested in what feels most important to you in this moment.

Some examples of material you might consider donating are: screenshots of your social media, videos or photos of your daily life during the pandemic, photographs of your community like empty grocery store shelves or long lines, photographs of public art (e.g. chalk drawings) related to the pandemic, schedules that show the change to your daily routine, photos of homemade masks, or journal entries (written, audio, video) documenting your quarantine experience.

Please continue to follow social distancing protocols while collecting any new materials for the archive.

I'm concerned about providing my name and email address to the submission form. How will you use this information?

We will use this information to contact you with any questions about the material you submit. We will not share email addresses or other contact information publicly. Unless otherwise requested, materials you submit will be attributed to you by the name you include in the form.

How will the project address privacy concerns?

The College Archives will not make any records subject to restrictions under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) or HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) publicly available. As the final repository for student records, we have experience managing and restricting these records. Items like medical records, patient/client files, and others including sensitive, personally identifiable information (e.g. social security numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers) cannot be made public and will not be accepted as donations. If items that include FERPA protected information (e.g. grades or other educational records) are submitted to the project, we will contact the submitter about our concerns as soon as possible.

I have something I want to submit to the project but it is in a format the form does not accept/is too large for the form to accept. What should I do?

Please contact the College Archivist, Allison Mills, via email ( about submitting this item.

I have physical material I would like to submit to the project, like physical photos or homemade masks or a diary. Can I contribute this?

Bryn Mawr College Special Collections is temporarily closed, so we are unable to accept any physical items at this time. If you are able, please take a photo or scan your item and attach it to the submission form. You can also reach out to the College Archivist via email ( about the possibility of donating the physical item in future, when we are open again.

I'm not sure if I own copyright for the material I would like to submit or if I need permission to share it.

If you are concerned you don't have the full rights or permissions for an item you want to share, please indicate this when submitting it. We may be in touch with you later to clarify.

Are there takedown procedures in place?

Yes, if at a later date you decide you no longer wish to have your material included on the Documenting COVID-19 at Bryn Mawr site or if material is misatributed, please contact Bryn Mawr Special Collections ( requesting that the material be taken down and include the following:

  • Your contact information (including email address and phone),
  • Exact URL of the item or items,

Upon receipt of a request, Bryn Mawr College Special Collections staff will:

  • Promptly acknowledge the request via email or other means of communication if you do not have an email account
  • Remove the material from our website
  • Address any concerns about attribution or description

Upon completion of the assessment, we will take appropriate action and communicate that action to you.

Please note that while we will comply with any requests to remove material from our site, the nature of the internet means material originally posted as part of this project may be duplicated elsewhere, beyond our control.

I'd like to share material with the project, but it's personal or confidential. I want it to be included, but I don't want it to be public right now.

Please contact the College Archivist ( to discuss this material. We may be able to come up with a solution!