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Streaming Video & Audio Collections

Bryn Mawr College


The libraries own thousands of DVDs, which are all listed in Tripod, and available for checkout.

To find a video, search Tripod by title, director or actor, and refine your search by

  • Resource Type - Video.
  • Availability - at the libraries for DVD, online for streaming video.

Where can I view a DVD or VHS tape in the library?

     Group Viewing Room:

Canaday 311:

  • private room, seats 6
  • check out key at Circulation Desk; use on walk-in basis when available, or book ahead by signing in and selecting the "request" link
  • multi-standard, region-free Blu-ray DVD/VHS players
  • flat panel TV


    Individual Viewing Carrels:

Canaday 303, 305, 309:

  • each carrel seats 2
  • check out key to carrel and headphones from Circulation Desk
  • 303 & 305 have Blu-Ray DVD players, 309 has a region-free DVD/VHS player


 Portable DVD Players & Optical Drives:

  • Check out from Canaday Circulation Desk; 1 week loan period.
  • 8.5 inch screens, Blu-Ray and Region-Free models are available.