You can save individual items from search results or keep a reading history under your Tripod account.
More options: Learn about Zotero, Endnote, and other citation managers.
Filters may be locked so that they persist across multiple searches:
When searching for articles in Tripod, you'll see "Include results without full text" appear in the filters menu.
Activate this filter to see articles available at libraries beyond the TriColleges. The "click for availability" link in any brief item record will lead you to the option to request the article via interlibrary loan. (You'll need to sign in to Tripod.)
Start typing the course name, course code, instructor or title of a book into the search bar. e.g. "ARCH 102. Then choose Course Reserves from the drop down options.
Use the filters on the left to further narrow your search by course name, instructor, or department