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Tripod Catalog: A How-To Guide (BMC)

Search Scopes

Tripod allows you to specify which types of materials you would like to see in your search results.

Books + Media - The default search; returns results from the library catalog (but not from article databases).

Books + Media + Articles - Returns results from the library catalog as well as select major article databases* and publishers (e.g. JSTOR, Web of Science). See the Finding Articles page for more information.

*Find other resources on your topic through our Research Guides or in Subject Specific Databases.

Search Modes

Tripod's various search modes allow you to perform different kinds of targeted searches.

Tripod search box and menu items displaying different search modes

Browse / Starts With - Returns an alphabetical list of entries that lead to results of related catalog records; recommended for title searching

Journal Search - Searches for journal volumes by title or ISSN (e.g. Nature, Journal of Social Policy)

Advanced Search - Allows for greater specificity with additional criteria not available with a simple search


  • Drop leading articles like "The" and "A" from title searches (e.g. for The Bluest Eye search Bluest Eye).
  • For a topic search, less is more. Include only keywords that describe your main ideas, and avoid using whole sentences.
  • Use () to group terms within a single search, such as Shakespeare AND (tragedy OR sonnet).
  • Use AND to connect terms that are related to your topic but not part of a phrase (e.g. honey bees AND communication).
  • Use " " for exact phrase searching (e.g. "climate change").