Tripod allows you to specify which types of materials you would like to see in your search results.
Books + Media - The default search; returns results from the library catalog (but not from article databases).
Books + Media + Articles - Returns results from the library catalog as well as select major article databases* and publishers (e.g. JSTOR, Web of Science). See the Finding Articles page for more information.
*Find other resources on your topic through our Research Guides or in Subject Specific Databases.
Tripod's various search modes allow you to perform different kinds of targeted searches.
Browse / Starts With - Returns an alphabetical list of entries that lead to results of related catalog records; recommended for title searching
Journal Search - Searches for journal volumes by title or ISSN (e.g. Nature, Journal of Social Policy)
Advanced Search - Allows for greater specificity with additional criteria not available with a simple search