Offers abstracts of journals, museum bulletins and yearbooks in the fields of art, architecture, decorative arts and photography. Covers abstracts from 1929-present, full-text articles 1997-present.
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A digital library that provides access to thousands of digital images derived from a variety of museum, library and archival collections. You can search by theme as well as culture and time period. If you are a first-time user, register your user name and password so that you can download images.
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae
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In addition to the 8 print volumes for the Lexicon, the LIMC Foundation puts much material related to iconoography online. The foundation website serves as a complement to the print volumes with detail on objects and recent scholarship.
Oxford Art Online
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Oxford Art Online is an art reference library that searches Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. This resource contains images, biographies, subject entries, and thematic timelines (antiquity to present).
The Beazley Archive at the University of Oxford maintains this extensive database (over 250, 000 images) on ancient Greek vases. It is searchable by theme, type of vase, inscription, painter, technique (e.g., white ground), and collection.
The Beazley Archive's Classical Art Research Centre has many other resources including the digitized Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum and a merged database that draws on 8 separate resources covering vases, gems, terracottas and other material.