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CSTS 216: Sex and Power in the Ancient World (HC)
Cambridge Companions
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CSTS 216: Sex and Power in the Ancient World (HC)
Classical Studies 216: Sex and Power in the Ancient World (Farmer) Spring 2019
Blackwell Companions
Brill Companions
Cambridge Companions
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Cambridge Companions
Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law
Cambridge companion to ancient Greek political thought
Cambridge companion to ancient Mediterranean religions
Cambridge companion to ancient rhetoric
Cambridge companion to ancient Rome
Cambridge companion to ancient scepticism
Cambridge companion to archaic Greece
Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Politics
See also the Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics in Tripod.
Cambridge companion to early Greek philosophy
Cambridge companion to Epicureanism
Cambridge companion to Galen
Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman philosophy
Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman theatre
Cambridge companion to Greek comedy
Cambridge companion to Greek lyric
Cambridge companion to Greek mythology
Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy
Cambridge companion to Herodotus
Cambridge companion to Homer
Cambridge companion to Horace
Cambridge Companions (continued)
Cambridge companion to Latin love elegy
Cambridge companion to Lucretius
Cambridge companion to Ovid
Cambridge companion to Philo
Cambridge companion to Plato
Cambridge companion to Plato's Republic
Cambridge companion to Plotinus
Cambridge companion to Roman law
Cambridge companion to Roman satire
Cambridge companion to Seneca
Cambridge companion to Socrates
Cambridge companion to Tacitus
Cambridge companion to the Aegean Bronze Age
Cambridge companion to the age of Augustus
Cambridge companion to the age of Constantine
Cambridge companion to the age of Pericles
Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman novel
Cambridge companion to the Hellenistic world
Cambridge companion to the Roman economy
Cambridge companion to the Roman historians
Cambridge companion to the Roman republic
Cambridge companion to the stoics
Cambridge companion to Virgil
Brill Companions
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