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ANTH 244: Global Perspectives on Early Farmers (BMC)

Global Perspectives on Early Farmers, Agriculture, and Social Change; Fall 2018; Prof. Casey Barrier

SAA Style & Citations

Sample Citations in SAA Format

In-text citations:

All direct quotations should be in quotes. All direct and indirect quotations (including re-phrasing) should indicate the bibliographic source.  For example:

  • As Alexander (2002:14) shows...
  • One later ethnographic study challenged this argument (Smith 1980:14-15).
  • According to Thomson (2004:135), "direct quote goes here"
  • For two authors, use both names: (Taylor and Alexander 2007:53).
  • For three or more authors, "et al.": Taylor et al. (2009:18) investigate the role of... [Note: List all authors in the bibliography.]

Citations in References Cited:

"Entries should be flush left with an extra space between each entry. References are formatted...with an indented date, a tab separating the title from the date, and a hanging indentation at the midpoint of the date for all lines that follow...."

"Use headline-style capitalization for all English language titles... Use sentence-style capitalizaiton for all Spanish language titles..." 

-- SAA Style Guide


Book by one author:

Wengle, John  
   1988   Ethnographers in the Field. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Journal article:

Moll, Luis C.  
   2000   Writing as Communication: Creating Strategic Learning Environments for Students. Theory into Practice 25(3):202–208.


American Anthropological Association  
   N.d.   About AAA. Electronic document,, accessed June 29, 2009.

Note: N.d. stands for "no date."  Use this for websites that don't indicate when they were written.