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Troubled Waters: Tracing Waste in the Delaware River: An Interdisciplinary Documentary Project: Contaminants

CHEM 302: Lab in Chemical Structure & Reactivity (White)/ GNST 302: The Documentary Body (BMC) & ICPR 278: Documentary Film & Approaches to Truth (Funari)/ POLS 161: Politics of Globalization (Borowiak) with Visiting Artist jesikah maria ross (Spr. 2014)

General Articles on Anthropogenic Pollution

Petroleum hydrocarbons/PAHs (oil, sealcoat, burned waste)

Flame Retardants


More info Chem 302 Research Guide!

Much more information is available in the Chem 302 research guide on every contaminant class and source.

How to find complete profile for pollutants

The best source to get the complete profile of a pollutant including input and output is the HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank). You can see a description of the database here.

Example: Search TOXNET for the chemical compound (e.g. Bisphenol A, a plasticizer). It is useful to search TOXNET because then you see what other pieces of information are available, making for a more holistic view of the topic.
Choose to see the HSDB results. You can see from the left naviation bar the sections: Environmental Fate and Exposure (including biodegradation, bioaccumulation, levels in different types of surface water, drinking water etc); Manufacture and Use (includes methods of manufacture, demand, production, import and export). 
Data sources are peer-reviewed, cited explicitly and updated at least biannually.

Always search literature databases to update information obtained from HSDB. 

PPCP (Pharmaceutical & Personal Care Products)

PPCPs include: medications, cosmetics, detergents, fragrances, sun screen, vitamins, antidepressants, hormonal substances, pain medications, antibiotics, caffeine, nutritional supplements etc.

Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides