Scholarly journal articles are important sources of information offering:
1) Looking for journal articles by the article title: "Lyric Bodies: Poets on Disability and Masculinity"
Check Tripod Articles, where many journal articles are available full-text.
2) Looking by the journal name: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
Check Tripod Books and More, where all journals, as well as newspapers and popular magazines, are listed by title.
Tip: Change Keyword in the search box to Journal Title
3) Looking for journal articles by subject:
Use journal databases where you can apply a full range of search techniques to find scholarship on your topic. See the Searching tab for more details.
Identifying which database/s to search is a strategic choice:
Multi-disciplinary databases, sometimes with magazines and newspapers included. They cover the top-tier journals but will not go into depth in all subject areas:
Proquest Research Library Enhance your PRL search by choosing a subject area with its related databases or adding individual databases from the link at the top of the page.
Web of Science Covers the humanities and social sciences as well
JSTOR All articles are full-text and come from quality journals; but the latest 3 to 5 years of articles are usually not included.
Subject-specific databases give more in-depth coverage of topics.
The Research Guides website outlines the major databases by subject area. It also includes resource lists for classes and for categories like news and government information. The Research Guides site can be searched by word or phrase (in quotations) to find something specific.
For your writing project you may be doing some research in the area of biography, literary criticism, or film studies. Major databases in those areas are:
Arts & Humanities Citation Index [covering film and literature]
JSTOR [All articles are full-text and come from quality journals; but the latest 3 to 5 years of articles are usually not included.
MLA International Bibliography [covering literary criticism]
Provides citations to journal articles, books, working papers, conference proceedings, bibliographies, and other materials. Areas covered include literature, language, linguistics, film, theatre and folklore. Covers 1926-present.
The MLA is the best place to go if you're looking for journal articles or essays in books about literature. Like Tripod, you can do a basic keyword search, or you can narrow your searches down by using some more advanced techniques.
Beware the "Title Keyword" search in MLA: this searches keywords in the titles of critical works, not literary works.
You can also find film criticism in MLA. Put the director's name in Author as Subject and the film title in Author's Work. A search on Tarantino and Pulp Fiction yields 52 articles and essays.
4) Accessing journal articles online and in print
Online journals are often available from more than one source. The Tripod Find It menu directs you to the sources and shows the years covered. If you have multiple choices, the university presses, JSTOR, and Project Muse offer the best functionality.
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Some journals in Tripod do not have all their issues accessible online. In many cases those issues not online are available in print. There are separate records in Tripod for the online and print versions. If you need a 1994 article from NACLA, a leading journal on Latin America, the print journal record in Tripod shows that it is available on the shelf. We have the journal going back to 1972 in print, under different titles in Tripod (as the name changed) but together on the shelf.