Published in 2005. Note that some of the articles and bibliographies have not been updated since the 1987 edition. Also available in print format. Provides good introductory articles with suggestions for further reading. Best used to find articles on Biblical figures or broad topics.
Encyclopaedia Judaica
The major encyclopedia of Judaic Studies. Note the article "Akedah" {'binding' (of Isaac)} is excellent.
Anchor Bible Dictionary
This is more like a six volume mini encyclopedia than a dictionary. Has articles on people, topics, sites, and biblical books with most ending with a bibliography. However this work was published in 1992.
Encyclopedias on sections of the Bible
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
Has articles on people, topics, and biblical books all ending with a bibliography. Also check the Scripture and Subject index at the end of the volume.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Has articles on people, topics, and biblical books all ending with a bibliography. Also check the Gospel Reference Index and Subject index at the end of the volume.
Dictionary of Paul and his letters
Has articles on people, topics, and biblical books all ending with a bibliography. Also check the "Pauline Letters Index" which starts on page 995. This index enables you to find all the articles which mention a particular verse. It also has a subject index that you can consult to find all of the articles which mention your topic.