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ANTH 043E: Culture, Health, and Illness (SC)

Anthropology 043: Culture, Health, and Illness (Schuetze) Fall 2024

Expanding and refining your search: using scholarly databases

• Try searching subject-specific databases for Anthropology to find journal articles from an anthropological perspective.

  • Anthropology databases can be particularly helpful if you're mostly finding articles on your topic written by physicians, nurses, or other health sciences professionals.

• Use the search terms you've tried in Tripod. Combine and limit your searches to find different results.

Connect to Resources

Select the Bryn Mawr; letter B in a red circle Haverford; letter H in a dark blue circle Swarthmore; letter S in a yellow circle shortcut for your school to access a library resource.

Useful databases for research in Anth 043E

screenshot of anthropology plus database

     screenshot of anthrosource database

Other databases that may be useful