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ARCH 212 Visual Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean (BMC)

ARCH 212 Visual Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean; Prof. Shannon Dunn, 2024

Citing Your Sources

Citing Images

Whenever you use an image in your research projects, you always need to cite the source of the image. Just like any other resource, they were created by someone who deserves credit for their work. You must give credit, or attribution, to the creator of an image just as you must give credit to the author of text. By doing so, you avoid plagiarizing (i.e. claiming the image as your own). In your bibliography (or list of sources used) you generally reference the source of the image, not the image itself. 

If available, include the name of the creator and the source of the image. Refer to the citation manuals for detailed descriptions and examples. If you need help, do not hesitate to ask a friendly librarian for help!

Citation Managers