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HLTH 226 Radical Medicine: Citations


AAA Style requires indenting each reference after the first line. Having trouble getting that to work?  Here are a few links that can help.

Sample Citations in AAA Format

Here are some sample citations in AAA format.  For other types of materials, or to clarify any questions regarding AAA format, please consult the official AAA Style Guide (PDF document).

To format citations in the text of your paper:

For in-text citations, both direct and indirect quotes should include page numbers.  Here are some examples.

  • As Alexander (2002:14) shows...
  • One later ethnographic study challenged this argument (Smith 1980:14-15).
  • According to Thomson (2004:135), "direct quote goes here"

  • For two authors, use both names: (Taylor and Alexander 2007:53).
  • For three or more authors, you can use "et al." when citing in-text:   Taylor et al. (2009:18) investigate the role of...
    Note: List all authors in your bibliography.

To format citations in your bibliography:
These examples are taken directly from the AAA Style Guide 2009, linked at the left (click on the monitor icon to view the PDF).

Book by one author:
Wengle, John
   1988 Ethnographers in the Field.
   Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Chapter from an edited book:
For example, if you wanted to cite one essay from a collection of essays by different authors.

Rohlen, Thomas P.
   1993 Education: Policies and Prospects. In Koreans in Japan: Ethnic Conflicts and
   Accommodation. Cameron Lee and George De Vos, eds. Pp. 182– 222.   
   Berkeley: University of California Press.

Journal article:
Moll, Luis C.
   2000 Writing as Communication: Creating Strategic Learning
   Environments for Students. Theory into Practice 25(3):202–208.


American Anthropological Association
   2000[1992] Planning for the Future: Current Long-Range Plan for the
   American Anthropological Association.,
   accessed January 18, 2001.

American Anthropological Association
   N.d. About AAA. American Anthropological Association., accessed June 29, 2009. 

Note: N.d. stands for "no date."  Use this for websites that don't indicate when they were written.

When AAA style isn't enough

AAA Style is based on Chicago Style. When you cannot format a citation using the guidelines provided in the AAA Style Guide, you should refer to the Chicago Manual of Style to decide how to format the citation.