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ARTS 202: Enactment and Reenactment (HC)

Fine Arts/Visual Studies 202: Reframed: Enactment and Reenactment in Popular Culture, Digital Media, and Contemporary Art (Berger) Fall 2020

Using Resources When off Campus

Accessing the Libraries' Digital Resources
If you start at this course research guide or the Tripod library catalog, when you click on an online resource link you will be prompted to sign in and authenticate through the Off-campus Access page .

Off-campus Access through Tripod
Use E-ZProxy when off campus to access campus resources:
Use your email user name (no and password to log on.  You will need to navigate through Tripod, rather than typing URLs in the search box for your entire session.  The proxy prefix has to remain in your URL in order to access digital materials to which Haverford subscribes.


Understand the Process

  • Information research is an iterative process, meaning a cycle rather than a straight line. Assuming you have a research question in mind, you may follow a process like this:
    • Brainstorm search words -->
    • Explore initial search results -->
    • Refine your research question, and add or remove search words based on your initial search -->
    • Conduct a more targeted search -->
    • Repeat! -->
      <--  <--  <--

When getting started, I will sometimes Google my topic to help me find more vocabulary and ideas. Once you're ready to find scholarly literature, you'll want to use a library catalog, journal database, or Google Scholar to help you find appropriate sources, but a general Google search can be helpful in the brainstorming phase. 

Popular Literature Versus Scholarly Literature

  Popular Scholarly
Author Staff writer; journalist Expert in the field; known credentials
Audience General public Scholars, researchers
Language Little technical language or subject-specific jargon Uses technical language and subject-specific jargon
Coverage Broad topics; shallow coverage; shorter length Narrow topics; in-depth coverage; longer length
Documentation Usually no bibliography Bibliography present
Peer-reviewed? No Often