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Resources for reading and making zines

Read zines online

queer zine archive project logo with pink photocopier

Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP)

"The mission of the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) is to establish a "living history" archive of past and present queer zines and to encourage current and emerging zine publishers to continue to create. In curating such a unique aspect of culture, we value a collectivist approach that respects the diversity of experiences that fall under the heading "queer."

The primary function of QZAP is to provide a free on-line searchable database of the collection with links allowing users to download electronic copies of zines. By providing access to the historical canon of queer zines we hope to make them more accessible to diverse communities and reach wider audiences."

logo with scissors

Sherwood Forest Zine Library

"The Sherwood Forest Zine Library is a fully functioning independent media library focusing on zines and DIY culture."

"Our Virtual Zine Library has hundreds of free downloadable zines and links to online zines. Our goal is to host and provide access to information, stories, and voices that are often buried in the mainstream media. Our collection ranges from art, poetry, and fiction to political theory, social issues, and historical discussion, and everything in between!"

Logo for the Quarantine Public Library

Quarantine Public Library

"Quarantine Public Library is a repository of books made by artists. The works published here are for anyone to freely download, print and assemble—to keep or give away.

This collaborative project was dreamed up by Katie Garth and Tracy Honn in May 2020. We love artists’ books, zines, and libraries; art and poetry; words and pictures. We wanted to make something to share as many of us are staying at home, disconnected from art, books, and one another. The project is not about COVID-19, but is explicitly of its time."

A brown and turquoise illustration of a pigeon holding zines in its beak.

Print at Home Zine Library

"Free zines?!? You heard us right, all you have to do is print them and assemble them yourself. Don’t be scared! If you’ve never made a zine before this is a great way to get started with learning to fold and staple them. It feels good, trust us."

"Zines (listed in no particular order) generously donated by members of the Zine Crisis discord server for your personal use. If you enjoy a zine, consider following the author’s links to support their work!"

Iffy Books logo

Iffy Books

Iffy Books is a bookshop in Philly focused on hacking, free culture, gardening, and zines. Their zines are free to print, share, mirror, modify, and/or sell.

Digital Defense Fund

Digital Defense Fund

Digital Defense Fund was established in 2017 in response to the increased need for security and technology resources in the abortion rights movement after the 2016 election. In 2023, DDF expanded its mission to provide support to all movements working alongside one another for autonomy and liberation.

Sprout Distro logo

Sprout Distro

Sprout Distro is an anarchist zine distro featuring hundreds of zines on topics ranging from direct action to theory. Their main focus is sharing practical skills with an eye towards anarchy.