The premier database for psychological research. Find journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations. Offers robust filtering options to narrow results by methodology (research design), population, age group, etc.
Includes PsycARTICLES journals.
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Focuses on health sciences journal literature broadly. This is a free government-sponsored database that anyone can use regardless of institutional affiliation. Use the "Advanced" option to build a structured search string.
Google Scholar
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A good place to begin the research process. Locating one or two good sources in Google Scholar can lead you to others by following the chain of citations. Also a good tool for harvesting keywords.
Background Information
Consulting reference sources can help you gain a broader understanding of the concepts in your research topic and guide your search journal literature.
Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology
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Provides full-text access to an authoritative, comprehensive, and current reference work. Covers all areas of psychology. Articles are signed and contain references and suggested readings. Fully searchable by keyword and browsable by topic.
CQ Researcher - Health
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Offers full-text reports on vital world issues. Includes reports on many health topics and provides sociopolitical context, data sources, and more.
Handbook of Health Behavior Change
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The majority of this text is organized around the specific behaviors and chronic illnesses with the most significant public health impacts in terms of morbidity and mortality. Each chapter explains the significance of a particular problem and reviews the empirical evidence for the various intervention approaches. Click "Read Online" to search the e-book's contents.
Oxford Handbooks Online: Psychology
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These handbooks offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in the field of Psychology.