The journal of business news and interpretation. We also have access to recent issues via Zinio e-magazine platform.
Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Magazine
Formerly known as "CQ Weekly" this magazine provides full-text news and analysis on all U.S. federal legislative activity and related political issues. Includes floor votes, bill status, analysis, and more. Covers 1983-present.
The Economist
Respected weekly magazine with news coverage of financial, business and policy matters.
Foreign Affairs
Available 1922-present
Nexis Uni
Formerly LexisNexis, find newspaper and magazine articles, news transcripts, reference works, and legal materials, including Supreme Court cases. Includes the New York Times from 1980-present.
New York Times
Full-text access to news articles, blog posts, videos, images, and multimedia features. Coverage from 1851-present.
Philadelphia Inquirer
The daily newspaper of record for the Philadelphia region. Online coverage 1860 to the present.
Time Magazine
Time Magazine is the first weekly news magazine in the United States. Coverage - 1923 to the present.
Contains nearly all articles that have appeared in the Washington Post since 1877.
International News
Access World News
Newspaper collections from NewsBank provide full-text articles from the electronic editions of record for nearly 8,000 newspapers around the globe. Database covers 1977-present.
Provides daily news and information in English and French from across the African continent.
Alternative Press Index and Alternative Press Archive
Research tool for identifying articles in 300+ radical and left journals, magazines, and newspapers. Includes US and global publications, in English and other languages.
Provides information and assistance regarding the cultural, economic, social, historical and political dimensions of Asia. Includes a daily digest of Asia-related news reported in the international press; thousands of annotated links; country profiles including maps and statistical information; a database of specialists on Asia; a searchable glossary; a guide to business protocol in 12 of Asia's major markets; an up-to-date directory of government leaders and cabinet ministers; an international events calendar from the Asia Society and other organisations.
Current Digest of the Chinese Press
Provides an understanding of current events as reported by mass media in the People's Republic of China. Presents articles from key Chinese newspapers on such topics as politics, international relations, economics, public health, education, culture and more. Articles are selected from sources in China which are explicitly targeted on a domestic audience. Each article is translated into English, with great attention given to conveying the "sense and spirit" of the Chinese text.
Ethnic Newswatch
Find articles from newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press in America. Searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages. Articles from 1959-present.
Financial Times
An international daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news.
Foreign Affairs
Available 1922-present
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
FBIS Daily Reports issued by the U.S. Government. Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world . The United States' principal record of political and historical open source intelligence.
FBIS daily reports, 1941-1974; FBIS daily reports, 1974-1996; FBIS daily report annexes, 1974-1996
For 1996-2013, use the World News Connection database instead.
Provides concise, translated,daily briefs covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing via the print, radio and television media of the 22 Arab countries, Iran and the Arab Diaspora. Covers 2005-
World News Connection
Contains hundreds of international news for the period 1995-2013. Material is obtained from non-U.S. open-source political speeches, television programs, radio broadcasts, newspaper articles, periodicals, and books. Content focuses primarily on military, political, environmental, scientific, technical, and socioeconomic issues and events.