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LALS 001P: Latin American Through the Lens: Photography, History, and the Present

LALS/History 001P: Latin America Through the Lens: Photography, History, and the Present

City Night

City Night

Diego Torres Silvestre. City Night. January 17, 2014. Bixiga district in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil. Flickr. September 12, 2017.

Primary Sources: where to look and how to find them

There is no single database that only contains historical images related to Latin America. This means that sometimes you will need to find your images within other bodies of text and media. Some of the sites presented here are specific to Latin America but others are more general in nature. In addition, we have tried to link directly to the image section of a website but sometimes this was not possible. 

If you have any questions or would like to add a link to this libguide, please feel free to contact Roberto Vargas at