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LATN 104: Introduction to Latin Literature: Friends and Enemies of Rome (HC)

Latin 104: Introduction to Latin Literature: Friends and Enemies of Rome (Warwick) Spring 2024

Roman Inscriptions

Grave relief of Publius Curtilius Agatho, silversmith, Roman, AD 1-25, Los Angeles, Getty Museum (Source: flickr, Dave and Margie Hill, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED).  This freedman holds a mallet and chasing tool as he works on the figure of a satyr.  His presentation demonstrates his status as a Roman.  Inscription: P[UBLIUS] CURTILIUS P[UBLII] L[IBERTUS] AGAT[HO] FABER ARGENTARIUS   Translation: "Publius Curtilius Agatho, freedman of Publius, silversmith"


This guide focuses on topics in your course and resources for learning more about Latin and Roman culture.  Use the searches and linked examples as jumping off points for exploration.

The Background Information page will provide brief answers.  The Books and Articles pages will give further material for cultural and historical issues.