Journal articles provide in depth scholarly information. They are vetted and improved by peer review. They are usually fairly short in length and focused on discussing one specific issue. The following indexes are good places to find journal articles about history.
Use the Find It button in these indexes to find out if the journal articles are available in the Tri-College libraries. If the journal is not listed in Tripod, use the Find It request form or the Interlibrary Loan Request Form on Tripod to have a copy of the article sent to you from another library.
Discipline-Specific Indexes
These indexes are particularly good for accessing the scholarly literature of specific disciplines, i.e., articles written by historians, Asian studies scholars, and otherresearchers.
This journal is devoted to the study of history. All of the articles are written in the form of literature reviews. Specialists analyze the issues involved in a particular question and discuss individual books, journal articles, and other scholarship that are essential for research in that area. Browse or search the journal website for overviews related to your research topic. The bibliographies accompanying articles in History Compass will lead you to relevant sources for further reading.
If you don't find a relevant literature review in History Compass, check for titles in Oxford Bibliographies and Dissertations and Theses (see below). Most doctoral students will write a chapter of their dissertation in which they survey the available scholarship on their topic.
Recent articles include:
The Oxford Bibliographies Online lay out the parameters of various issues within a particular field of study and evaluate the importance of individual books and journal articles in the form of an annotated bibliography. It gives you the benefit of expert advice when choosing what to read.
Doctoral students go through an exhaustive literature search when writing their dissertations. They also tend to work on new questions, sometimes ones that have received very little attention from scholars before. You can sometimes obtain these dissertations and benefit from all the bibliographic treasues and new ideas. Check Dissertations & Theses to identify dissertations on your topic.