Quaker & Special Collections holds a wide variety of visual materials, from illustrated books to photography. You can find digitized versions of photographs, prints, and paintings from the collection in Triarte, the TriCo art and artifacts database. While you can see digital images of much of the collection in Triarte, it is often valuable to see the original print. You can do this by visiting Quaker & Special Collections and requesting the item you would like to see.
You can search Triarte using the same search tips available elsewhere on this guide. Triarte also allows you to browse by institution and then type of work; this is also a good way to find images that may be of interest. One particular image that may be of interest is a Clarissa T. Sligh photograph "Jake in Transition." Note that the record also tells you the nationality of the artist, which may help you identify relevant artists.
Quaker & Special Collections also holds a variety of rare books, many of which contain illustrations or have visual properties. To find these materials, search Tripod and limit to Haverford > Special Collections. If you are interested in finding illustrated books particularly, you can add "ill" or "illus" to your search, which will catch a code for illustrations in the catalog record. The collection includes early edition of important Spanish works such as Don Quijote and Diana de Montemayor (neither is illustrated, but both have interesting graphic properties).
See the page on "web searching" for advanced searching tips.
Using these tips in a Google Images search, you can then limit your results using Google's search tools. Limit your results to images licensed for resuse.
For example, compare: