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GREK 202: Advanced Greek: Tragedy (HC)

Greek 202: Advanced Greek: Tragedy (Shirazi) Spring 2022

Finding Scholarly Studies in Books

Use the Tripod catalog Connect from Bryn Mawr College  Icon  Icon to look for relevant books owned by Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore.

The following subject searches are a sampling of possibilities. To find materials on a topic, try doing a title search in the Tripod Catalog to find some relevant material and then use the subject headings assigned to those titles to find more books.

       (traged* OR drama OR theat*) greek influence  [Keyword search]   Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

        theater* (greece OR greek)  (perform* OR actor*)  [Keyword]   Connect from Bryn Mawr College  Icon  Icon

        "greek drama (tragedy)  history and criticism"​  [Subject] Newest titles first   Connect from Bryn Mawr College  Icon  Icon

        politic*  (greece OR greek) (drama OR tragedy)  [Subject]   Connect from Bryn Mawr College  Icon  Icon


WorldCat is an important place to look for many materials not owned by the Tricollege Libraries. This combined library catalog contains more than 1 billion titles owned by libraries around the world. Many of these items are available to you though interlibrary loan.  Use the  button to place requests.

Finding Criticism in Journals

Finding Book Reviews