To find a text in Greek, search in Tripod, the tri-college library catalogs and filter your results by the language Greek.
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I. Standard Editions
A series of Greek and Latin texts with facing page English translations begun by James Loeb. Now published by Harvard University Press but started in 1912 by the publisher William Heinemann. The critical apparatus is minimal at best and can be supplemented by a more scholarly edition. There are over 500 Loeb volumes. They are available both in an online version and in print copies.
Loeb Greek Volumes PA3611-PA3612 in green bindings and Latin Volumes PA6156 in red bindings (Other copies shelved with individual authors.)
Digital Loeb Classical Library (all volumes available online)
Also a series of Ancient Greek and Latin texts with critical notes. Teubner has been publishing longer than Oxford and has the greatest number of texts available in modern editions with extensive notes. There are 1600 records in Tripod.
You can find many translations of Euripides and other playwrights in Tripod. Search Euripides as an AUTHOR and LIMIT to the language English. Author/Creator: euripides Limited to Language English Sorted with newest titles first Results include:
Bacchae. Euripides (Translation by Robin Robertson) Ecco, 2014.
Euripides Vol. 5. Euripides (Translation of The Bacchae by William Arrowsmith) University of Chicago Press, 2013.