Use TRIPOD BOOKS AND MORE to find books, journals (but not articles within them), and videos owned by the Tri-College libraries.
Use WorldCat to find books not held by the Tri-College libraries. WorldCat is the largest library catalog with more than 179 million records. For comparison there are a little less than 4 million items in the tri-college library collections.
What does WorldCat add? In particular you will find a full range of scholarly books published worldwide, titles of all kinds in languages other than English, novels, children’s books, reports, films, recorded music, documents, and dissertations.
In order to find books in either catalog, search for topics in the following ways:
Keyword Search:
E.g., neoliberal* AND mexic*
(See the Search Tips tab for more information on how to construct keyword searches.)
Or Subject Search:
E.g., prostitution mexico
mexico emigration and immigration
mexico politics and government 2000-
(Use the Browse Books & More link to find addintional subject headings.)
Doctoral students go through an exhaustive literature search when writing their dissertations. They also tend to work on new questions, sometimes ones that have received very little attention from scholars before. You can use these dissertations and benefit from all the bibliographic treasues and new ideas.
Search in the database Dissertations and Theses in Tripod to find dissertations related to your topic. Many of them are available full text as PDF files. If you are interested in a dissertation that does not have the full text option, request it through the Find It button.
Many Haverford departments include a semester or year-long course in which seniors develop and conduct an original research project and write a thesis. The Haverford College Libraries collect, preserve and provide access to senior theses for students and faculty. Online theses, with the permission of the authors, are available to prospective students and researchers in the wider academic community.
For online theses only, search the Senior Thesis Archive database
For both print and online theses, search Tripod:
By Author/Title:
By Department
By Year