"Articles, notes, reviews, texts, bibliography, news of conferences, projects, performances and special events, all focusing in one way or the other on aspects of Celestina and celestinesque literature"
Provides full-text and page images from many of the top journals in most academic disciplines. Coverage is from the inception of the journal through three to five years ago.
Project Muse journals
Provides access to journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
MLN (Modern Language Notes)
"Critical studies in the modern languages (Italian, Hispanic, German, French) and recent work in comparative literature"
Journal dedicated to the history of the book, covering the creation, dissemination, and reception of script and print.
Selected Databases & Indices
Provides full-text and page images from many of the top journals in most academic disciplines. Coverage is from the inception of the journal through three to five years ago.
Project Muse journals
Provides access to journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
MLA International Bibliography
Database of scholarly books and articles related to literature, language, linguistics, film, theater and folklore. Includes scholarship from 1926 to the present.