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SPAN 230: Medieval and Golden Age Spain (HC) Spring 2015: Secondary Sources: Books

Spanish 230: Medieval and Golden Age Spain (Burshatin) Spring 2015

Finding Books

Use TRIPOD to find books and other material owned by the Tri-College libraries.

Use WorldCat to find books not held by the Tri-College libraries.

In order to find books in either catalog, conduct either a relevant:

Keyword Search:

E.g.,   (bookbinding OR printing) AND (spain OR spanish OR ital*)

           celestina AND rojas

           lo?ana andalu?a

(See the Search Tips tab for more information on how to construct keyword searches.)

Or Subject Search:

E.g.,   Rojas, Fernando de, -1541 (full list)

          Rojas, Fernando de, -1541. Celestina



          Printing—Italy—History (full list)


          Printing—Spain—History (full list)

          Incunabula—Specimens (HC only)

         (Use the Browse Books & More link to find additional subject headings.)

Selected Books