Haverford College Special Collections is rich in primary source material related to the history of the College from its earliest days to the present. Materials include official papers of College offices and governing bodies, papers of prominent members of the Haverford community, student group materials and publications, and images. Researchers may also want to consult the manuscripts collection guides on our website, the digitized and born-digital collections in our digital repository, or our institutional repository, which includes Haverford senior theses, faculty meeting minutes, course syllabi, and the alumni magazine. Digital versions of materials have been linked in our manuscript collection guides whenever possible. However, only a small percentage of our materials have been digitized. Librarians in Special Collections are eager to assist with research and may be contacted at HC-Special@haverford.edu.

"View of Founders Hall with Greenhouse," by W.L. Breton, ca. 1830s. 812A-R.