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Monumental Brasses (HC): Relevant Books

Monumental Brasses: Research Sources Summer 2013

Identifying Relevant Books

Use Tripod to look for relevant books owned by Haverford, Swarthmore, and Bryn Mawr.

The following suggested subject searches are only a sampling of possibilities. To find materials on a topic not listed below, try doing a keyword search in the Tripod Library Catalog to find relevant titles and then using the subject headings assigned to those items to find more.


Doctoral students go through an exhaustive literature search when writing their dissertations. They also tend to work on new questions, sometimes ones that have received very little attention from scholars before. You can sometimes obtain these dissertations and benefit from all the bibliographic treasues and new ideas. Check ProQuest Dissertations & Theses to identify dissertations on your topic.

Beyond the Tri-College Collections

WorldCat is an important place to look for many materials not owned by the Tri-College Libraries. This combined library catalog contains more than 62 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Many of these items are available to you though interlibrary loan

Books on Brasses