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Using NVivo for Qualitative Data Analysis

NVivo helps you organize, analyze and visualize mixed media and unstructured information by providing tools for classifying, sorting and arranging your data in ways that enable the identification of themes and patterns.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative research and mixed methods research take many forms. Broadly speaking, they involve the collection and analysis of unstructured data, such as interviews, articles, social media content, open ended survey questions, etc. Qualitative data analysis software, like NVivo, can help you organize, analyze, and find insights in your unstructured data. 

The TriCollege libraries have many books on qualitative research in general, including several that address NVivo in particular.

This article gives a contextual example of how NVivo can be used in the qualitative research process:

Welsh, E. (2002). Dealing with Data: Using NVivo in the Qualitative Data Analysis Process. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2). Retrieved from

There is also a more general TriCollege research guide on Qualitative Data Analysis:

Getting Started in NVivo

NVivo 11 Pro is available on all Bryn Mawr College public computers.  See also QSR's YouTube channel for the full list of very short how-to videos, and longer video tutorials.  The core functionality and concepts are much the same as NVivo 10 (highlighted in this video):