Often books printed in the 18th century are kept in libraries' rare book collections. You can go to Bryn Mawr and other local libraries to see these books.
Librarians at Bryn Mawr have put together lists of titles concerning France with pamphlets, periodicals, and books:
There are some online collections available for early modern printed texts. They reproduce every page in a book and are searchable by word and phrase.
Offers full-text access to English-language titles and editions published between 1701 and 1800 including books, pamphlets, almanacs, Bibles and treatises. Subjects covered include history, geography, fine arts, medicine, science, literature, language, religion, philosophy and law. Significant collections of women writers, collections on the French Revolution, and numerous eighteenth-century editions of the works of Shakespeare are also included.
Some texts from the era of the French Revolution have been edited and published. Notable titles available in print include:
Collections of primary texts in anthologies can be good for browsing. They touch on many different issues, often excerpting brief passages from full works that you can find in the tricolleges or through interlibrary loan.
Editions of sources not available in the tricolleges can be requested through interlibrary loan (See the links on this guide's first page). Use subject terms including "sources" or "correspondence" to locate additional primary texts in Tripod and in WorldCat.
For example, the subject search france revolution 1789-1799 AND (sources OR correspondence)
produces results including:
The Impact of the French Revolution: Texts from Britain in the 1790s. Cambridge University Press, 2005
The French Revolution and Human Rights : A Brief History with Documents Bedford, 2016
Primary sources, accounts and other kinds of documents written at the time of an event or era, allow a nuanced and detailed understanding of historical issues. Sources can take many different forms.