All archives have backlogs and Bryn Mawr College is no exception. In some cases, collections with legal or donor-imposed restrictions may not be a high priority for a digital finding aid, but there may be a paper finding aid available. Other collections may be known to archive employees, despite a lack of finding aid, who can pull material if you express a broad interest in a particular topic.
Some collections at Bryn Mawr College you may be interested in, which do not currently have a finding aid online, include:
- The presidential papers of Harris Wofford, who served from 1970-1978, and Mary Patterson McPherson, who served from 1978-1997. By agreement with the President's Office, Presidential papers are closed to researchers for 25 years after end of presidential term. The Wofford and McPherson papers are open, but their finding aids have not yet been put online.
- The College News, Counterpoint, Tipyn O'Bob, The Lantern, and other student publications. Many early student publications have been digitized and are available online, but later publications have not. The College Archives has a collection of student publications that stretch from the very first campus publication with student involvement (The Lantern, 1891) to the present day.
- Records of high-level college committees. As with Presidential papers, these are closed for 25 years from the date of their creation, but records from before 2000 are available to researchers. This category includes Board of Trustee Minutes, Faculty Meeting Minutes, Academic Council Meeting Minutes, and Graduate Council Meeting Minutes. Further restrictions may apply if something in the minutes falls under the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA).
- Student handbooks and orientation material. These handbooks vary from year to year and were given to incoming first-years. They represent the kind of information given to new Bryn Mawr College students over time, including discussions of the SGA, traditions, and campus life.
- Records from student organizations and clubs. Although the archives does not have a comprehensive set of records from these organizations, many are at minimum represented by newspaper clippings or other public-facing activities.