Before you begin to search Tripod for the book for your book review, do some brainstorming! Think about what you've read for this course or other courses that is a specific focus within the field of deviance studies. What sounds interesting?
If you want to browse the shelves, you can always go to the shelves in Lutnick - GN is Anthropology, many books about Media will be in the JK section.
You can also use the handbooks and Bibliographies to start your search:
When you search Tripod,
Remember, you can request books from Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore! They should arrive within 1 day. You'll need to log in to Tripod to request.
If there is a specific title that you are interested in that is not available from any TriCo school, you can request it through EZBorrow or Interlibrary Loan, which may take longer.