This series provides extensive annotated bibliographies on specific topics in many different fields. They are written by scholars with the aim of introducing students to important issues and key authors. The different subject sections are all under development with new essays added twice a year. Pertinent subject sections available to students on the Haverford campus include:
African American Studies ; American Literature ; Cinema and Media Studies ; Literary and Critical Theory Connect to search
Individual essays include:
"Speculative Fiction" in African American Studies Browse all essays in this section
"Emily Dickinson" in American Literature Browse all essays in this section
"Time Travel" in American Literature
"Star Wars" in Cinema and Media Studies Browse all essays in this section
"Transnationalism in Postcolonialism and Subaltern Studies" in Literary and Critical Theory Browse all essays in this section
"W. E. B. Du Bois" in Literary and Critical Theory
Doctoral students go through an exhaustive literature search when writing their dissertations. They also tend to work on new questions, sometimes ones that have received very little attention from scholars before. You can obtain many of these dissertations and benefit from all the bibliographic treasues and new ideas. Check ProQuest Dissertations & Theses to identify dissertations on your topic.