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Researching Art in the Middle Ages (HC)

Introduction - Resources in Print

Where can I see medieval art and learn more about it?  These pages provide resources in print and online for finding art by theme, time period, style and artist.  There are resources focused on specific museums and libraries as well as those that survey an artistic medium across many collections.  This page focuses on ways to find image resources in print.


Museum Collections

Guides to museum collections with rich holdings in medieval art will often include good quality images of individual pieces.  Search in library catalogs for the name of the museum as a subject:  cloisters museum  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

Results include: The Cloisters: Medieval Art and Architecture.  By Peter Barnet and Nancy Wu.  2012   Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

                           Italian Medieval Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters. By Lisbeth Castelnuovo-Tedesco.  2010   Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon 

Exhibition Catalogs

Museums produce exhibition catalogs (in print and online) as a record of the images and analysis involved in the scholarly work done for exhibitions. Search for the name of a museum as an Author and exhibit* (for both exhibit and exhibition) as a Keyword:                                                                                                 national gallery of art (u s) [Author]  AND exhibit* [Keyword]  AND (medieval OR renaissance) [Keywords]  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

Results include: Virtue and Beauty: Leonardo's Ginevra de' Benci and Renaissance Portraits of Women.  David Alan Brown.  2001  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

                          Della Robbia: Sculpting with Color in Renaissance Florence.  Marietta Cambareri.  2016  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon                       

Topical Books

Scholars publish books about specific themes in art.  Search for your topic as a Subject in art and time period as a Keyword:                                                love in art [Subject]  AND (medieval OR "middle ages" OR renaissance)  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

Results include: The Medieval Art of Love: Objects and Subjects of Desire.  By Michael Camille.  1998  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon

                           Art and Love in Renaissance Italy.  By Andrea Bayer.  2008  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon