Mayday demonstration, Hamburg, Germany, 2015, photo by Rasande Tyskar, Album "Never Mind the Papers" (Source: flickr, CC2.0)
Welcome to Haverford College! I am glad for the chance to introduce your new libraries.
You have access to over 800,000 electronic volumes + 0ver 400,000 print volumes along with films, manuscripts, photographs and more.
You will find resources, study spaces, and meeting rooms in Lutnick Library (this main building includes Quaker and Special Collections and the Digital Commons), the White Science Library (found in KINSC, with a small additional astronomy library in the Strawbridge Observatory), and the Union Music Library.
The libraries are your spaces. You can track down sources, learn, study and share ideas. See these views of students in Lutnick Library. The library staff is dedicated to supporting your development as researchers and scholars. Ask us questions and tell us when you run into a problem. We want you to have every opportunity possible to explore, analyze and reach new levels of understanding.
Haverford Libraries will fulfill student requests for materials by providing digital copies of items when possible. You can use this form to request journal articles you need. The form is also linked from journal databases and the library homepage.
Subject specialist librarians work with students and faculty in every department and program. They provide intensive, one-on-one support of students throughout their college careers, culminating in their senior thesis projects. To arrange a meeting, email the librarian who works with the department ielated to your topic. See this listing for librarians by subject area. In your message include a sentence or two about your research topic.
Students can get help in developing a research question and beginning a search. For students further along in the process, they can get advice on research tools, answers to specific questions, and new sources.
See also the research guides librarians in the tricolleges prepare for individual classes.