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Voices of Visitors

Voices of Visitors

Voices of Visitors

The Voices of Visitors project is a collaborative effort between Swarthmore College’s WSRN radio station and the libraries. 

Among the thousands of CDs, records, and cassettes in the WSRN radio station, there lie two stacks of vinyl and yellow paper. About 200 unassuming 16 inch records had remained in the attic of Parrish Hall for nearly 90 years. While some were flaking and some even moldy, there were many survivors of time that hold important audio from generations past. They had been ignored for so long because of their decrepit state and unplayable format.

No longer lost to time, Professor Michael Wehar and Student Aidan Corpus were able to search through these records and discover the voices of many interesting and important people. The Voices of Visitors digitization project is meant to revive the voices of these figures

Our search made sure to establish that the audio on these vinyls was recorded at Swarthmore College. It is a great first step in archiving the collection and cataloging important visitors in Swarthmore College history. The following people in this article are influential figures across time who have, at some point, found themselves speaking at Swarthmore College.