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When you find a book in Tripod, check the locations to see which library it's in.
If the book is only available at Haverford or Swarthmore, SIGN IN, then REQUEST to have the book delivered to Bryn Mawr! You'll receive an email when it arrives, usually in 24 hours.
How do I find where the book is shelved at Bryn Mawr?
Look at the book's "call number" to find its location.
Book locations are listed here.
How are the call numbers arranged on the shelf?
Materials are shelved by the "Library of Congress" call number classification system. If you need help locating a book, please ask at the Circulation desk!
What do I do if my book is checked out?
If the book is listed as "out of library" it may be checked out. You can request a copy from outside the TriCollege Libraries by using EZ-Borrow / Interlibrary Loan.