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Quaker Meeting Records (HC and SC)

An orientation to the records of Quaker meetings deposited at Friends Historical Library (Swarthmore College) and Quaker & Special Collections (Haverford College)

Meetings collected at Haverford and Swarthmore

Archival records of active meetings:

In addition to records of yearly meetings that have since been merged or laid down, researchers can find old and continuing records as follows:

Baltimore Yearly MeetingHaverford and Swarthmore Colleges [see the BYM page in "Find a Meeting's Records"]

Intermountain Yearly Meeting: Haverford College

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

New York Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

North Pacific Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

Pacific Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

Philadelphia Yearly MeetingHaverford and Swarthmore Colleges [see the PYM page in "Find a Meeting's Records"]

South Central Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting: Swarthmore College

Archival records of meetings no longer collected:

There are also archival collections that are no longer receiving new records, either because the meeting no longer exists or because it no longer deposits records at Haverford or Swarthmore. Most of these inactive meetings were a part of yearly meetings still collected by the two colleges, and descriptions can be found through the above links. Other meeting records (all held by Swarthmore College) are:

Genesee Yearly Meeting (now Canadian Yearly Meeting): pre-1955 records from the yearly meeting and its western New York and Michigan monthly meetings.

Illinois Yearly Meeting: pre-1950 records

Ohio Yearly Meeting: pre-1956 records, predominantly of Hicksite branches (all since laid down) but also including some material from meetings now represented by Evangelical Friends Church, Eastern Region and Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative). The collection includes almost no records from what is today Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting. 

Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends: this yearly meeting was established in 1853 from a separation in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite). It was inactive by 1941.

Independent Monthly Meetings: these are primarily the records of meetings of World War II Civilian Public Service camps. Other independent meeting collections are Horry County Monthly Meeting’s pre-affiliation records (the meeting is now Five Rivers Friends and a constituent member of Palmetto Friends Gathering), and laid down meetings in Leonia, NJ and Indianapolis, IN.

Printed meeting proceedings:

In addition to the original records of the above yearly meetings, both Haverford and Swarthmore collect the printed proceedings of other meetings in the United States, including Evangelical Friends Church, Northwest Yearly Meeting, Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative), and Western Yearly Meeting. These, and the records of Quaker meetings outside the United States, can be found in Tripod, the shared library catalog for published books.