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JNSEH001A&002B: First-Year Japanese (HC/BMC): Home

JNSEH001A&002B: First Year Japanese (Intensive) (Kobayashi/Sato/Usami)

Online Dictionaries

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We have a wide selection of Japanese language films in the Tricollege libraries. You can browse these films in the stacks: the foreign films are divided by country, so head to Japan (PN1993.5 J3). (Located on Level 0 in Lutnick Library at Haverford)

You can also browse all the Japanese-language films in the Tricolleges through Tripod.  In an Advanced Search choose Collection: Videos and Language: Japanese.  In the results you can browse further by Creator, Subject, Genre (e.g. Animated) and more. 

Tadoku Books

  • Tadoku Books, or Books for Extensive Reading, are available in Lutnick Library under their call numbers. It is also recommended that you listen to the audio files for the Tadoku books while reading them. For more information, see here for Haverford students, here for Bryn Mawr students and here for Swarthmore students. 
  • There are Japanese Language children's books in that area as well. 


  • Haverford has dictionaries in our reference section (Level 2) as well as in the stacks (Level 0). The same goes for Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore.
  • See this link for a list of dictionaries and be sure to note the location of the books. 

Browse for a dictionary that feels right to you. Or ask your professors or the librarian, Anna (afodderegu at, for a recommendation. 


Browse our Manga collection by viewing English language and Japanese language books in the PN 6700- PN 6790 call number range. The Manga collection at Haverford's Lutnick library are located on Level 0 but you can request books from the other schools and pick them up on Level 1 when they arrive. 

Japanese culture books

Here is a list of books related to Japanese culture found in the library and their corresponding call numbers. 

  • Buddhism: BQ 1-9800  
    • History of Buddhism BQ 251-799
    • Pure Land Buddhism BQ 8500-8769
    • Zen Buddhism BQ 9250-9519
  • Japanese history: DS 801-897
  • Japanese literature: PL 501-889
  • The Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture is an excellent place to start.

Reference books
