Classic and popular feature films currently being assigned for courses. Contact Arleen Zimmerle for more information.
American History in Video
Contemporaneous video from the 1890s -1980s as well as early newsreels; documentaries. From Alexander Street.
Asian Film Online
Asian culture as seen through the lens of the independent Asian filmmaker. From Alexander Street.
Black studies in video
Cutting-edge racial justice and diversity films. From Alexander Street.
Counseling & Psychotherapy video collection
Sage video collection of tutorials, interviews with leading experts, and clips addressing teaching, learning and practitioner issues.
Counseling and Therapy in Video
Video for social work, psychotherapy, psychology and psychiatric counseling. Alexander Street.
Contains volumes I-IV.
Dance in Video
Dance productions and documentaries by influential performers and companies of the 20th century. Alexander Street.
Digital Theatre Plus
A database with access to 900+ resources including backstage insights, practitioner interviews, written analysis and 400+ captured theatre productions.
Ethnographic Video Online
Ethnographic films, documentaries, select feature films, and previously unpublished fieldwork. Alexander Street.
Oral history interviews with historically significant African Americans.
This package includes the Encyclopedia of Experiments: Biology, and the following JoVE research journals: Biochemistry, Biology, Developmental Biology, and Neuroscience. Core Biology, Core Molecular Biology, Lab Manual Biology, and Science Education subjects Advanced Biology and Basic Biology is also included.
Package includes JoVE Core, Lab Manuals and all Science Education subjects−Biology, Chemistry, Clinical Skills, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Physics and Psychology
LGBT Studies in Video
Gender, media studies, and politics. Alexander Street.
Met Opera on Demand
More than 750 Metropolitan Opera performances streamed online.
Opera in Video
Streaming videos of important opera performances, captured through staged productions, interviews, and documentaries. Selections represent the world's leading performers, conductors, and opera houses and are based on a work's importance to the operatic canon. BRYN MAWR has the majority but not all videos in this collection.
On The Boards TV
Performances by some of today's most provocative artists working in dance, theater, music
Psychology video collection
Sage video collection of professional psychologists in action.
Slavic and Eastern European Studies in Video
Documentaries covering historical and current cultural and political developments in Eastern Europe.
Feature Films
Classic and international films, including selected Criterion Collection titles. Select "Movies" when limiting by subject to see only feature films.
Swank Digital Campus
Classic and popular feature films currently being assigned for courses.
Feature Films for Education
Hundreds of feature films from Fox Studios.
Academic Video Online: Premium
Search for "Sony Picture Classics" to see feature films.
New World Cinema: Independent Features and Shorts, 1990-Present
Over 200 feature films from leading independent distributors. Alexander Street.
Independent world cinema : classic and contemporary film
More than 400 important films produced from the early 20th century to today from major distributors. Alexander Street.
Silent Film Online
Selected silent features, serials, and shorts from the 1890s to the 1930s. Alexander Street.
Asian Film Online
Select "Drama" to limit to feature films. Alexander Street.
DRAM - Database of Recorded American Music
A collection of sound recordings documenting American music not generally covered by commercial recording companies. Works can be browsed by work, album or track titles, as well as by artist roles, and date of recording and composition. Some biographical and role information are provided for artists.
Naxos Music Library
Provides online audio recordings of classical, folk, jazz, and world music from the Naxos, Marco Polo, and Da Capo labels.
Naxos Music Library: Jazz
Provides online audio recordings of new and historical jazz from the Fantasy and Naxos Jazz labels.
Naxos Music Library: World
Provides online audio recordings of world music, including the catalogue of Smithsonian Folkways and many other labels.
Copyright Guidelines: Software & DMCA
Pertinent excerpts from the College's copyright policy.
Need Help?
Bryn Mawr - Arleen Zimmerle Humanities & Media Librarian Contact
library video purchase requests
info on public performance rights for campus programming