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ENGL 398 : Senior Seminar (BMC)

Fall 2023: Hemmeter & Thomas

Getting Started with Your Thesis

Getting Started with Your Thesis

Tripod, EZ-Borrow & ILL

Finding Books

EZ-Borrow & Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

MLAIB & Scholarly Articles

Start Here - MLAIB

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Contemporary Articles

Use these databases to find popular articles and reviews written at the time that the literary work was originally published.  Covers 1770 - 1982.


Theory & Background


General Background Information

Biographical Sources

Companions and Bibliographies

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

For even more information on finding book reviews, see the Book Review guide.

Film & Media Topics

Film Topics: Specialized Databases

Primary & Archival Sources

Selected Primary Sources



MLA Handbook


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