A bi-monthly magazine published by Poets & Writers, Inc., a non-profit organization serving the professional interests of poets, authors, and writers of creative non-fiction. The magazine publishes essays on the literary life, writer profiles, and practical information for poets and authors, including guidance on how to submit work for publication and listings of literary grants and prizes.
SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres.
Recommended: Guides
The Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing
Written by professional writers and teachers of writing, this book's chapters deal with specific genres or forms - ranging from the novel to new media - or with significant topics that explore the cutting edge state of creative writing internationally (including creative writing and science, contemporary publishing and new workshop approaches).
Literary Magazines
Literary Magazines
Current issues of many journals are available for check out. Sign in to Tripod to request that particular issues be sent to your campus.
Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews, and artwork twice a year in print and biweekly online from its home at Boston University.
Antioch Review
Founded in 1941 and produced in association with Antioch College, The Antioch Review publishes fiction, essays, and poetry from both emerging and established authors.
Asian American Literary Review
The Asian American Literary Review is a space for writers who consider the designation “Asian American” a fruitful starting point for artistic vision and community. In showcasing the work of established and emerging writers, the journal aims to incubate dialogues and, just as importantly, open those dialogues to regional, national, and international audiences of all constituencies.
Bellevue Literary Review
Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the United States, has been witness to nearly three centuries of human drama. In this tradition was created the Bellevue Literary Review, a forum for illuminating humanity and human experience. Published by the Department of Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center.
Boulevard magazine, published by St. Louis University, publishes award-winning prose and poetry. Boulevard has been called "one of the half-dozen best literary journals" by Poet Laureate Daniel Hoffman in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Catamaran Literary Reader
Based in Santa Cruz, California. The vibrant creative spirit of the West Coast in writing and art from around the world.
Conjunctions is a biannual American literary journal based at Bard College. It was founded in 1981 and publishes innovative fiction, poetry, criticism, drama, art and interviews by both emerging and established writers.
EPOCH magazine publishes fiction, poetry, essays, cartoons, screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction. The magazine is edited by faculty in the Department of English Program in Creative Writing at Cornell University.
Georgia Review
Founded at the University of Georgia in 1947 and published there ever since. Publishes (quarterly) short stories, general-interest essays, poems, reviews, and visual art. (See website for more information)
Granta Magazine
Granta magazine was founded in 1889 by students at Cambridge University as The Granta, a periodical of student politics, student badinage and student literary enterprise. Since 1979, the year of its rebirth, Granta has published many of the world’s finest writers tackling some of the world’s most important subjects, from intimate human experiences to the large public and political events that have shaped our lives.
Harvard Review
In the nearly two decades since it was launched, Harvard Review has emerged as a major American literary journal with an eclectic mix of contributors in a wide variety of genres and styles. The purpose of the journal is to foster the work of new writers, provide a forum for criticism of new literary works, and present the finest poetry and short fiction being written. Harvard Review is based out of Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.
Iowa Review
Founded in 1970 and edited by faculty, students, and staff from the renowned writing and literature programs at the University of Iowa, The Iowa Review takes advantage of this rich environment for literary collaboration to create a worldwide conversation among those who read and write contemporary literature.
Kenyon Review
The Kenyon Review, an international journal of literature, culture, and the arts, is published in March, June, September, and December at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio.
Founded by editor Dave Eggers in 1998, headquartered in San Francisco.
n+1 is a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year. We also post new online-only work several times each week and publish books expanding on the interests of the magazine. n+1 is based in New York City, NY.
New England Review
The New England Review is a quarterly literary magazine published by Middlebury College. It was established in 1978. It publishes poetry, fiction, translations, and nonfiction.
One Story
One Story is a literary magazine that contains, simply, one story. Approximately every three-four weeks, subscribers are sent One Story in the mail, or on their digital devices. This story will be an amazing read.
Founded in Paris by Harold L. Humes, Peter Matthiessen, and George Plimpton in 1953, The Paris Review aims to emphasize creative work over literary criticism. The Paris review publishes fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry.
Public Space
A Public Space is an independent magazine of literature and culture. It was founded in 2006 and is based in Brooklyn, NY. Its founding editor is Brigid Hughes. Some content available online.
SALMAGUNDI is a quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences which is addressed to the "general" reader rather than to the academic specialist. Founded in 1965 and published since 1969 at Skidmore College, the magazine routinely publishes essays, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, regular columns, polemics, debates and symposia.
Sinister Wisdom
Sinister Wisdom is a multicultural lesbian literary & art journal that publishes four issues each year. Publishing since 1976, Sinister Wisdom works to create a multicultural, multi-class lesbian space.
The Threepenny Review
Founded in 1980 in Berkeley, California by Wendy Lesser. Maintaining a quarterly schedule (March, June, September, December), it offers fiction, memoirs, poetry, essays and criticism.
Tin House
Tin House offers an artful and irreverent array of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and interviews as well as columns on food and drink, out-of-print and underappreciated books, and a literary crossword puzzle. Perhaps most indicative of the magazine’s mission to stake out new territory and showcase not only established, prize-winning authors is its commitment that every issue include the work of an undiscovered fiction writer and poet. Tin House is based out of Portland, Oregon.
Zoetrope: All-Story
In 1997, Francis Ford Coppola launched Zoetrope: All-Story, a quarterly magazine devoted to the best new short fiction and one-act plays. Along with new stories, each edition of the magazine presents a Classic Reprint—a previously published short story that inspired a great film—to illustrate the narrative relationship between the art forms. Zoetrope: All-Story is also an art magazine, as the editors invite a different contemporary artist to illustrate and design each issue.
Literature Reviews
New York Review of Books
The New York Review of Books (or NYREV or NYRB) is a semi-monthly magazine with articles on literature, culture, economics, science and current affairs.
TLS: The Times Literary Supplement
Weekly magazine providing full-text reviews of recent publications in multiple disciplines, including literature, philosophy, history, politics, and the arts.
American Poetry Review
Founded by Stephen Berg in 1972 in Philadelphia, the magazine publishes interviews, essays, translations, fiction, reviews, and poetry by both established and new American poets, as well as poets from other cultures.
London Review of Books
"Since 1979, the London Review of Books has stood up for the tradition of the literary and intellectual essay in English. Each issue contains up to 15 long reviews and essays by academics, writers and journalists. There are also shorter art and film reviews, as well as poems and a lively letters page."
Serial Anthologies of Fiction & Poetry
Best American Poetry
Annual anthology published by Simon & Schuster of American poetry.
Best American Short Stories
Yearly anthology published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt of American short stories.
Best European Fiction
Short stories from Europe translated into English.
O. Henry Prize Stories
"Annual collection of the year's twenty best stories published in U.S. and Canadian magazines, written in English"
Pushcart Prize
Annual anthology of the previous year's Pushcart Prize winners, which includes "poetry, short fiction, essays or literary whatnot"
The Insider's Guide to Graduate Degrees in Creative Writing by Seth Abramson
Publication Date: 2018-06-14
Answers frequently asked questions on such topics as application prerequisites, program sizes and durations, funding, acceptance rates , cost of living, program curricula and demographics and more.
Getting Published
Where to Publish
The Writer's Market
Annual publication detailing thousands of publishing opportunities for writers, including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, literary agents, newspapers, playwriting markets, and screenwriting markets. These listings include contact and submission information to help writers get their work published.
Poet's Market
A companion to the Writer's Market (above) tailored to the needs of poets.